
NHPI spotlight • Affirmative action • AANAPISIs


AA and NHPI students have always faced various challenges to accessing high-quality K-12 and higher education due to intersecting issues of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and immigration. Without culturally competent and linguistically appropriate outreach, as well as relevant programming and direct support for low income or first generation learners, students are unable to achieve their full potential and may face reduced educational outcomes.

The model minority myth tells us that AANHPIs are all well resourced and well educated. However, disaggregated data tells a different story, especially for communities that experience high rates of poverty. In fact, many Cambodian, Vietnamese, Hmong, Laotian, and Pacific Islander Americans have lower levels of educational attainment in comparison with other AA and NHPI groups.

NCAPA recommends the following policy solutions to advance educational opportunities for our students.

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AA and NHPI Visibility

Civil Rights

Empowering AA and NHPI Workers


Housing and Economic Justice


Tech and Telecom