Tech and Telecom

Broadband access • Algorithmic bias/surveillance • Data privacy


Technology continues to evolve rapidly, and with these developments come new breakthroughs and new challenges. In order to protect people’s data and civil rights on the technology and digital frontiers, lawmakers must be prepared to update policy alongside ever changing technology.

Many communities also continue to lack access to digital tools. Tech cannot be an equalizer of opportunity when communities are unable to use it, or are unaware of it, in the first place. Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders need equal access and adequate protection in all matters related to technology and telecommunications.

NCAPA welcomes debate surrounding regulation in these areas, and advocates for specific principles and recommendations on tech and telecom to ensure digital access and online safety.

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AA and NHPI Visibility

Civil Rights


Empowering AA and NHPI Workers


Housing and Economic Justice
